冷冷清清,冰冷刺骨的寒意刺痛每個人內心深處,有時人與人之間的隔閡,要提起多大的勇氣,收拾蕭瑟的殘念,才能繼續往前。 It's desolate and chilly, with an icy cold that pierces deep into everyone's heart. Sometimes, the barriers between people require great courage to overcome, and gathering the strength to let go of desolate regrets is essential in order to keep moving forward.
四周望去,稀稀疏疏的枝頭、枯黃的落葉、淡淡的辛白與一絲絲的芽綠,彼此疏遠,沒有活力、薄弱和空泛單調的色階,使得空氣中瀰漫著厚重且惆悵的氛圍。 Looking around, the sparse branches, the withered yellow leaves, the pale white and the tinges of budding green all stand apart. The lack of vitality, the feebleness, and the monotony of colors create an atmosphere of heaviness and melancholy in the air.
炙熱的夏天,原本熱情如火的艷陽,因彼此各走各的、沒有交集;空氣中透露一絲絲寒意,如同六月雪一般寒冷、各種活動突然停擺、彼此距離遙遠,過去的點點滴滴,埋在黑白的記憶地帶、沒有光彩、黯然無光。 In the scorching summer, the originally fiery enthusiasm of the sun turns cold due to our separate paths and lack of intersection. There's a hint of chill in the air, like a cold breeze in June, activities suddenly cease, and distances between individuals grow vast. Past moments are buried in the monochrome zone of memories, devoid of brilliance, dimmed and colorless.
嫩芽初生本應生氣盎然的時節,卻因疏離、沒有話題、冷漠、平行線沒有交集、稀稀疏疏而產生的距離感,心中不免有一絲絲無法言語的哀愁。 During a time when tender sprouts should be flourishing with vitality, a sense of distance arises due to estrangement, lack of topics, indifference, the absence of intersecting parallels, and sparse interactions. In the heart, there's an indescribable sorrow that emerges.
雖然台灣冬季不會下雪,但還是能感受到寒冷的感覺,大部份的植物葉子枯黃掉落、沒有生氣;總有一些例外,有時冬天裡的暖陽,把我們內心的憂愁和灰白地帶一掃而空,看似沒有連結、遺憾、感傷、不同頻的狀態終結;讓各自以自己的方式重新與外界搭上線相互溝通打破沉默。 Even though Taiwan doesn't experience snow in the winter, you can still feel the cold. Most of the plants have yellowed leaves and seem lifeless. There are exceptions, though. Sometimes, the winter sun sweeps away the worries and grayness in our hearts. It seems to break the connection to regret, sadness, and different frequencies of emotions. It allows everyone to reconnect with the outside world in their own way, breaking the silence.
蕭瑟的秋,四周的環境漸漸瀰漫秋天的氣息,光禿禿的光景、枯黃的色調、乾枯的奶茶色、咖啡色與渺小的翠綠色嫩芽交錯在一起,互相交流呼應,讓原本憂愁哀傷的氛圍增添了些許的生氣,雖然沒有春夏時節那麼活絡有朝氣,但還有一絲絲的希望。 In the desolate autumn, the surroundings gradually fill with the essence of the season. The barren landscapes, withered hues, dry sepia and coffee colors, and tiny glimpses of green sprouts intertwine and converse with each other. This interaction adds a touch of vitality to the initially melancholic atmosphere. Although not as lively and vibrant as spring and summer, there's still a thread of hope lingering in the air.
炎炎夏日,炙熱的溫度;使得體內的細胞神經元活絡起來,越來越多連結、變化;變得繽紛多彩多姿的畫面呈現於眼前。 The scorching temperatures of the hot summer days activate the cells and neurons within the body, creating more connections and transformations. This results in a vibrant and colorful array of images presented before the eyes.
看著春意昂然的四周,嫩芽萌生;充滿生機、萬象更新,看著粉嫩的嫩芽 、覺得心中的陰霾一掃而空,遠離黑暗,迎向光明,沉睡在腦海深處的悸動,蠢蠢欲動、朝氣滿滿週而復始,沒有結束,邁向嶄新的契機。 As I gaze at the vibrant spring surroundings, tender buds begin to sprout, filling the air with vitality and renewal. The sight of these delicate pink buds sweeps away the shadows in my heart, distancing me from darkness and welcoming the light. The stirrings that have been dormant deep in my mind are now awakening, brimming with energy and ready to start anew. There is no end, only a journey towards fresh opportunities.